
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Beyonce's First Interview Since Giving Birth: I Had an 'Instant Connection' » Celeb News

Beyonce's First Interview Since Giving Birth: I Had an 'Instant Connection' » Celeb News

Beyonce's First Interview Since Giving Birth: I Had an 'Instant Connection'

After giving birth to the most talked-about baby of the year, Beyonce has given her first interview as a new mom.

Beyonce told Star Magazine: “Nothing can describe the feeling. You have the instant connection once you know your child is growing inside you. But when you hold it for the first time, the words can’t be found.”

Mostly because you’re still recovering from the epidural and mind-numbing soreness.

Beyonce also said husband Jay-Z was in the room during the birth.

“He would not have missed it for anything,” Beyonce confirmed. “He is a very protective and loyal guy by nature. He is a very protective husband, and since we found out I was pregnant I have seen the protective father in him.”

And another word Beyonce uses to describe her husband is “inspirational.”

“He is not only an inspirational artist, he is an inspirational husband. I know the next step on this journey is going to be being an inspirational father.”

Yeah, yeah he’s really protective and inspirational and all that. But let’s not forget the single most important and admirable quality in a man:

“He will change diapers.”


“Of course he will,” Beyonce said. “He is going to be a very hands-on father. He has already said publicly that providing isn’t love. Love is being there. Love is doing the little things for your child.”

Yeah, but, a $100,000 nursery doesn’t hurt, either.

Beyonce also confirmed the ultra-tight security that locked down Lenox Hill Hospital during Blue Ivy’s birth.

“Everybody who wanted to see her, saw her. Security was very tight, but not just for the sake of it, it was for the security of our daughter.”

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