
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Madonna Reveals Her Key To a Successful Relationship » Celeb News

Madonna Reveals Her Key To a Successful Relationship » Celeb News

Madonna Reveals Her Key To a Successful Relationship

Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. 'Madonna has been divorced twice and she hates hydrangeas and she has a fake British accent and she got on my nerves during that Golden Globes speech.'

But let's hear her out.

The singer, who is currently dating 24 year-old dancer Brahim Zaibat, says she thinks they key to relationships is give and take.

"I think with all relationships you are going to have to give up something," Madonna said. "It is a juggling act, it's about compromising."

And hey! She only used the word "I" one time in that statement. Look at you, Madonna. All grown up.

She also revealed that she's learned a lot from her famous exes, actor Sean Penn and director Guy Ritchie.

"Of course I learned from them. I watched closely to see what both of them did, with Sean as an actor and director and Guy as a director."

So what did she learn?

"With Sean, I saw the importance of preparing before you get to the set."

So basically, Sean Penn taught Madonna how to get ready for work in the morning. An important lesson, I suppose, but let's hope she learned something more significant from Guy Ritchie:

"Guy is a much more visual director and he takes a lot of risks when it comes to camera moves and things like that. He breaks the rules and so I learned a lot from him in that aspect."

And Madonna used those lessons in W.E., her directorial debut.

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